Vuze only downloading 2 files at a time

Computer file sizes vary depending on the amount of data or information a computer file stores. When storing data, computers use what is called bits , an abbreviation of "binary digits. Data stored in bits are represented by 1's and 0's and can be combined with other bits to form useful files like texts, images, audio, or videos.

Storing more bits together means that more information is present in the file. Grouping 8 bits together forms what is called a byte. A single symbol or letter in a text file takes up approximately 1 byte of computer storage.

Like any other unit of measurement, when we talk about large amounts of something, we can use prefixes to quickly show the scale we are dealing with. Trust us, this is much better than using a huge number and the same unit of measurement. In file sizes, we also use a set of prefixes to express large amounts of data, and you can see these prefixes in the table below.

As shown in the chart above, we can express a thousand bytes as one kilobyte, kilobytes as one megabyte, and so on, just like in SI units. However, for a very long time, this conversion does not hold. Since data measurement follows the binary system, which uses powers of 2, a kilobyte used to be equivalent to 2 10 bytes or 1, bytes. On the other hand, a megabyte is equal to 1, kilobytes, and so on. Nowadays, we commonly use 1, or the SI conversion instead of 1, binary conversion to convert these units.

However, new prefixes have been developed for binary conversion in case we need to use them. These prefixes are shown in the table below. You can also learn more about this in the " What is the difference between Mb and Mib " section of our video file size calculator. Files cannot always be in just one computer or machine.

When we take a picture using a digital camera, we need to have a way to transfer the picture file to a computer and then to a printer to end up with the image printed on a piece of paper. With that said, several ways have been developed for us to be able to transfer digital files from one device to another.

The simplest way to transfer a file is through a data cable specifically made to transmit data. Nowadays, we can also transfer data wirelessly through radio frequencies like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. We can now also upload or transfer data to the internet so that other people can access it. Even if you mark some of those files DND or delete, but the piece contains contents of files you want, then the whole piece will be downloaded and written to disk.

Thus you may end up with at least parts of files you did not want. Jump to: navigation , search. You can make the selection either when adding the torrent or later during the download: Contents. Categories : Troubleshooting Documentation. Namespaces Page Discussion. I am on this computer for 16hrs a day.. I would have noticed if it was something random.

Coincidentally, did more than 2 torrents start downloading at once sometime after peak evening hours? So it wasnt a peak throttle issue. So I went to another torrent site today and connected to torrents from that site.

Every one of them immediately connected. Only the ones which I started from a specific site the one i usually use seem to only do 2 at a time.

Is there something that would cause this from the site itself? As to all my speed settings they are still set at what i put them at originally. Since I have used utorrent for several years without problem with these settings I don't think that is where it stems from. And almost anyone who we haven't discussed their speed settings with before has bad ones. Start new topic. The following example picture shows, how Vuze has calculated a Seeding Rank for all completed torrents:.

In the previous picture, the Max active torrents setting has been set to 5 and Max simultaneous downloads to 2. Thus 2 First priority seeding torrents, 2 downloading torrents and finally 1 normal seeding torrent are started.

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  • 1000 / 1000